Amaze Interactive Poster – 07


Amaze interactive Maori Poster 2007. A fundamental of my beginning studies of propaganda art. Propaganda art is something deep to me. The simple colors and shapes that somehow have the power to control our lives is just really really interesting. With this poster and more Amaze posters to be posted soon I am just playing around.This is only the second in a series of works. I wanted to be in the likeness of the works of Sheppard Fairey. I know I don’t come close because he is a legend but I respect his work dearly. Hopefully, I have time to do some more works to illustrate my thoughts and ideas of Amaze. I usually just play and daunt around the word amaze. Things like mazes, Maori, cursive chirography, graffiti, brush lettering, excite me and I want to put them in my artwork more. Even whole indelible multiculturalism principles found in the artwork of the Incas, Maya, Aztec, and Egyptian are fascinating to me and I just was to use some of my free time to implement the ideas behind the name of the company. I am certainly sure there are more to come