I Love Me Book cover Design by Sun Rhythms. The second installment for Versandra Kennebrew’s The Love Tour 2015. This dynamic series and tour featuring cutting edge and emotionally imaginative contemporary artwork by Sun Rhythms.
Frank D’s, a barbershop located in downtown Ypsilanti is favored amongst many and very well known. I had the opportunity of doing a t-shirt for this establishment celebrating his as a business owner with growing success and appreciation for five straight years. The t-Shirt is originally designed to combine subtle elements of hip hop into…
The Music The music pouring from those headphones into my mind was always different. I was always on quest to find my next groove. The constant search of a good tempo with the strong base line, a catchy tricky rhythm, and a jazzy vibe with elegant highs perplexes me. The music I listen to is…
This name seems to fascinate some captivate the attention of others. I have always had imaginations of an audience rising from their seats in in applause after it being called on stage. I like the regal feel I get that is a tad bit away from a sense to need to be overly dramatic or…
The Smile is a stream of consciousness piece that engages the reader with a bombardment of visuals that transport the imagination through moments of subtle and extreme pleasures. These visuals are a collection of private experiences from May 1st through July 30th. The poem is meant to express and convey, from a first person perspective,…